Četvrt veka „Del arno benda“
J. MILOJEVIĆ | 13. februar 2011. 20:54 | Komentara: 1
Beogradski sastav, poznat kao pionir u izvođenju rege muzike na području bivše SFRJ proslaviće u julu 25 godina rada
Jovan Matić, vođa „Del arno benda“
Kao kod kuće
Srpski rege - očima Francuza
- DA mi je neko pre 30 godina rekao da ću i u 50. da pevam, radim, budem dovoljno zdrav da se popnem na binu i da će biti zainteresovanih ljudi za moju muziku, pomislio bih da je to preoptimistički - odgovara nam Jovan Matić, vođa „Del arno benda“ na pitanje kako se osećao kada mu je prošlog vikenda u klubu KST beogradska publika na početku koncerta pevala rođendansku pesmu. Bez ikakve reklame i najave u medijima sala je bila puna poštovalaca ovog rege sastava, a klub KST je odabran jer je bendu bio kao druga kuća.
Istog dana u celom svetu slavio se „Dan Boba Marlija“, rođendan muzičara koji je proslavio rege muziku. I Marli i Matić rođeni su istog dana - 6. februara.
- Godinama izbegavamo da radimo svirke na taj dan, ne želimo da zloupotrebljavamo njegovo ime kako bismo stekli neku materijalnu dobit - objašnjava Jovan. - U našoj sredini ima onih koji bi mogli da pomisle da sam odlučio da sviram rege pošto sam ustanovio da sam rođen istog dana kad i Bob Marli. Zato sam o tom podatku ćutao 24 godine. To mi je samo potvrdilo da nema slučajnosti.
NOVE pesme „Del arno benda“, otkriva Jovan, možemo da očekujemo tek na proleće 2012. godine:
- Intenzivno radimo na pesmama, ali postoji opcija da ćemo ih kačiti na „paučinu“, jer i nema drugog smisla. Bog zna da od „Vremena vode“ nije bilo nikakve vajde, o spotu i da ne pričamo. Radimo i na dokumentarcu o grupi i verujem da će on biti gotov pre albuma.
Pre tačno četvrt veka Jovan je sa svojim bratom Vladanom osnovao „Del arno bend“. Bio je to prvi rege sastav na prostoru bivše SFRJ.
- Biću slobodan i bezobrazan da kažem da smo ustoličili rege na Balkanu - veli Matić.
Iza sebe imaju samo četiri albuma, jedan koncertni i jedan dupli album, a problem je u mnogoljudnosti benda. Kroz grupu je prodefilovalo mnogo članova, a prestali su da ih broje posle 150. Jocu pitanje zašto nisu diskografski aktivniji najviše boli. Zvaniča proslava 25 godina rada „Del arno benda“ zakazana je za 2. jul u Beogradu, a šta nas tada očekuje, Jovan, s mukom i radošću u isto vreme, odgovara:
- Zavisiće sve od toga da li ćemo uspeti da nađemo partnere, odnosno finansijere i sponzore za taj koncert. Ono što je sigurno je da ćemo dodati neke hronološki bitne pesme za bend, neke koje nismo svirali nikada, ili bar nismo 24 godine. Ono što sigurno ljudi mogu da očekuju je to da tog dana zatvaramo jedno poglavlje i otvaramo novo.
Quarter-century, "Del arno band
J. MILOJEVIĆ | 13 February 2011. 20:54 | Comments: 1
Belgrade-based band, known as a pioneer in the performance of reggae music in the former Yugoslavia in July, will celebrate 25 years
Jovan Matic, head of the "Del arno band
At home
Serbian reggae - the eyes of the French
- If I were 30 years ago someone said that I and 50th I sing, I do, I am healthy enough to climb up there and there will be people interested in my music, I thought it was over-optimistic - we match Jovan Matic, head of the "Del arno band" when asked how he felt when his last weekend club KST Belgrade public at the beginning of the concert she sang a birthday song. Without any advertisements and announcements in the media room was full of fan of the reggae band, a club KST was chosen because the band was like a second home.
On the same day throughout the world celebrated the "Day of Bob Marley," a musician's birthday is celebrated reggae music. And Marla and Matic were born the same day - 6 February.
- For years, we avoid doing gigs on that day, we do not want to abuse his name in order to gain some tangible benefit - explains John. - In our society there are those who might think that I decided to play reggae because I realized that I was born the same day as Bob Marley. So I kept silent about this data 24 years. That's just confirmed that there are no accidents.
New song "Del arno band," says John, can we expect on spring 2012th year:
- Intensive work on the songs, but there is an option that we will attach itself to the "cobwebs", because no other meaning. God knows that the "Life Water" there was no Vajda, on the spot and not talk. We are working on a documentary about the group and believe it will be over before the album.
Exactly a quarter century, John was with his brother, Vladan founded the Del arno band. It was the first reggae band in the former Yugoslavia.
- I will be free and rude to say that we are perched reggae in the Balkans - Matic says.
They have released four albums, one concert and one double album, and the problem is mnogoljudnosti band. Altogether the group through many members, and they stopped counting them after the 150th Jeannot why are not more active than pain discography. Invitees celebration of 25 years, "Del arno band is scheduled for 2 July in Belgrade, and then what we expected, John, with passion and joy at the same time, he replies:
- All will depend on whether we manage to find partners or financiers and sponsors of the concert. What is certain is that we will add a bit of a chronological song for the band, some that we never played, or at least not for 24 years. What we the people can expect is that the days are closing one chapter and open a new one.
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